“The Island Diaries” is a documentary series that explores island life around the world. Each episode of focuses on a different island and features interviews with locals about what makes their island unique. The show aims to scratch the surface of daily life to explore themes such as food access, transportation, identity, culture and environment.
Salt Spring Islands Faroe Islands Montserrat Big Island - Hawaii Bali Cape Verde Okinawa Comoros Reunion Island The Channel Islands Crete Newfoundland
New Caledonia Sardinia Majuli Great Barrier Island Falkland Islands Chiloé Bocas Del Toro Guadeloupe Lofoten Jeju Azores Magdalen Islands Baranof Island
Outer Hebrides Samoa Fiji Haiti San Andrés & Providencia Phu Quoc - Vietnam Taiwan Åland Islands La Gomera — Canary Islands Iceland Broughton Archipelago
Fox Islands — Maine, USA Marajó — Brazil Puerto Rico Singapore Palaos Cyprus Ibiza Saint Pierre and Miquelon